Our Wedding Party

Flower Girl - Chelsea Hall

Chelsea Wearing Veil Chelsea is the sister of the bride. She'll be eight years old and will be entering the third grade at the time of the wedding. Chelsea seems very excited to be the flower girl and started looking at flower girl dresses when I started looking at bridal dresses. As you can see from the picture, Chelsea is a Harry Potter fan.

Maid of Honor - Christina Peterson

Christina is a friend of the couple. We met while at college at Purdue University where she is a bioengineering major. Christina Peterson and Christina Hall (confused yet??) were the best players in the bass clarinet section of Purdue's Symphonic Band for a total of five years running...well, most entertaining section members anyways :-) Christina is from Houston, Texas. Christina will be starting work with Philmont Group Inc. in Houston, Texas in August.

Best Man - Marcus Knotts

Marcus is the brother of the groom. He has two degrees from Purdue's School of Liberal Arts and is currently working towards a psychology degree. Marcus works for Purdue's Office of Development.

Bridesmaid - Stephanie Knotts

Stephanie is the sister of the groom. She attended the University of Southern Indiana and recently transferred to Purdue. She is currently studying communications and photography in the School of Liberal Arts.

Bridesmaid - Valeri Davila

Valeri is a friend of the couple. We also met while at college at Purdue University. Val majored in electrical engineering and graduated from Purdue in May 2001. She is originally from Puerto Rico and is currently working as a civilian for the Navy in California.

Bridesmaid - Jackie Knotts

Jackie Jackie is Marcus' wife and a friend of the couple. She graduated from Purdue in December of 2001 with a major in education. Jackie is from Lafayette, Indiana.


Groomsman - Tait Wagner

Stephanie & Tait
Tait is the fiance of the groom's sister, Stephanie. He graduated from the University of Southern Indiana with double major in history and sociology. Tait is originally from Peru, Indiana.

Groomsman - Anthony Young

Tony is a friend of the couple. We met while at college at Purdue University where he was a computer engineering major. Tony graduated from Purdue in May 2002 and is from Indiana. He currently works for VI Engineering in Minnesota.


*Pictures of Marcus, Jackie, Stephanie, and Tait were taken by Stephen Sullivan and are posted at www.dontbblu.com.*



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©Kris Knotts & Christina Hall, 2002