Please Welcome the Newest Addition to Our Little Family...

Bandit Looking at Camera


Bandit Update - January 2003

Bandit is now around six months old and going strong! He is now about 40 pounds which is quite impressive when you see how little he was when we adopted him. He has a fairly even temprament now, but he still has all his puppy energy and enthusiasm! In early November, he finished puppy preschool which taught him much about manners and acceptable behavior. However, he was the "class bully" and tried to assert his dominance over larger puppies. Haha, that was pretty funny to watch really! We have also put him through several private obedience lessons. He knows a sit with an implied stay, leash manners, down with an implied stay, heel, and he is crate trained. Bandit just loves to "go bye-bye" and will jump into either vehicle if given the chance. PetSmart is his version of Disney World, but he also loves to go to the Subway in Lebanon. They give him puppy treats at the drive thru window, and he gets excited every time we go there. After he started pointing at little animals in our yard, the trainer thinks he may have a bit of bird dog in him, too. So, now he's up to four different breeds in his mix - German Shepard, Husky, bird dog, and Lab. Over Christmas, he liked to open his presents himself, then trot off and chew the paper. Once we have him very reliably obedient, we want to teach him scent and retrieval so he can track people. Kris is seeing all kinds of implications for paintball...

Bandit's Baby Photo Gallery

Bandit and his "Mama"
Bandit & Christina when he was 7 weeks old.
Bandit chewing
Bandit getting his Bouda rope from his bed. Can you guess who choose his bed??
Say "Cheese!"
Bandit smiling for the camera!
Bandit's running, aren't his floppy ears adorable? :-)
Sad puppy eyes
He does those puppy eyes all the time, especially for puppy treats and to "go bye-bye"!
Bandit Lounging
Guess all the playing tired him out!



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©Kris Knotts & Christina Hall, 2002